
Born in Brianza, a hilly region in northern Italy, during his childhood he studied piano and music theory, then he became a self-taught bass player, composing in some rock bands and performing also in important clubs of the Milan scene.

He graduated in aerospace engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan and after a work experience in the sector, attracted by a new fast-growing world, he began to work as a project manager to create digital experiences.

Combining the creativity and the methodological approach, around ten years ago he began an artistic research path ranging from sculpture to installation to digital art. His works have been presented in both collective and solo exhibitions.

The underlying theme of his research is the protection of priceless resources that we too often take for granted. Some examples are the “Hurtwork” series, consisting of works capable of self-defense and the latest “Reconnect” series, a reflection on our own relationship with nature and in particular with plants.

Contacts: you can send an email to marcocrociart(at)gmail.com or get in touch through the social media.